BAKA July 21, 2007 Meeting
Date 2007/6/27 2:24:58 | Topic: Meetings
| The view from 161 Bayview Dr.
When: Saturday, July 21, 2007. Starts at 3 PM.
Where: Bill & Cathy Gallagher's home San Rafael, CA
Activities: This is an informal afternoon social & families are encouraged. We will barbecue and talk killifish. There is a pool (and may be even a ping-pong table). The bird-watching is very good so bring your binoculars. We will probably have a killie slide show.
We will have some basics such as hot dogs & soft drinks for the BBQ. If you can bring additional foods & drinks, it would be great. Please RSVP by email to regarding the BBQ.
Aphyosemion splendopleure "Tiko Green" Aphyosemion thysi
Epiplatys dageti monroviae Epiplatys infrafasciatus baroi “Makondo”
Fundulopanchax amieti
Nothobranchius kafuensis "Chunga"
Plataplochilus ngaensis (extra males only)
Rivulus agilae "Montjoly" Rivulus xiphidius
Scriptaphyosemion etzeli "Bundulai SL89"
Plants: Bolbitis heudelottii Java moss
Supplies: German fibrous peat