BAKA May 16, 2009 Meeting
Date 2009/4/30 3:10:59 | Topic: Meetings
| The view from the meeting location
When: Saturday, May 16, 2009. Starts at 3 PM.
Where: Bill and Cathy's home 161 Bayview Drive San Rafael, CA
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The house is actually right at the split in the road, not before it. Please look for the gate at the split.
Bill said "My gate will be marked with a balloon or sign. The gate will be left open. We have a new parking system that works pretty well when many cars come. Please tell everybody who is offloading food, drinks, fish, etc. to drive to the end of my driveway and offload - we might then direct them to re-park lower during the meeting. If we can keep the turnaround at the top relatively clear, this works well."
Activities: This is an informal afternoon social and families are encouraged. We will barbecue and talk killifish. There is a pool if you want to take a dip. The bird-watching and views are also incredible.
There will be some basics for the BBQ such as chicken, sausages & soft drinks. If you can bring additional foods & drinks, it would be great. Please RSVP by email to regarding the BBQ. Business: 1) The AKA convention is the following weekend. We will collect fish to take to the convention 2) Distribute BAKA club polo shirts. 3) Can anybody coming to the meeting scan three slides and email the scans to Bill?
Austrolebias alexandri Ceibas
Auction: Fish list to be determined. If you are planning to bring fish to the auction, please contact Thuan at
Aphyosemion australe orange Aphyosemion (Chromaphyosemion) bitaeniatum CI-06 Czech Republic Aphyosemion (Chromaphyosemion) bivittatum Funge Aphyosemion striatum BBW 00-26
Archiaphyosemion maeseni Lola GRC 90-174
Fundulopanchax avichang "GEML 00-16 Nguba 2" Fundulopanchax gardneri nigerianus Misaje Fundulopanchax spoorenbergi
Plataplochilus ngaensis
Rivulus weberi PAN 06-30
Red cherry shrimp
Plants: Bolbitis heudelottii , Java fern Java moss
Supplies: 5 gallon tanks (used) 10 gallon tanks (used) petri dishes assorted plastic containers