BAKA November 2012 Meeting
Date 2012/11/7 14:16:18 | Topic: Meetings
| Title : BAKA November 2012 Meeting (Category : General) Date : 2012 November 17 Saturday
We will have a BAKA meeting at the Round Table Pizza in Castro Valley from 6:00-9:00 PM on 17-Nov-12 (Saturday).
Ted Pino will be speaking about endangered species, CITES and its impact on killifish/general fish keeping.
Business: The club also needs to talk about the meeting schedule for next year, officers, and other club business.
Here's the fish we have so far for the auction (all subject to change):
Aphyosemion schioetzi, Ngombe, Z 91-1 Chromaphyosemion splendopleure*, Ombe Chromaphyosemion bitaeniatum, Ijebu Ode Fundulopanchax deltaensis* Laimosemion (ex-Rivulus) agilae, Montjoly Cynodonichthys (ex-Rivulus) uroflammeus, Qub Bravo, PAN 2012-9 Anablepsoides (ex-Rivulus) cryptocallus*, Martinique Anablepsoides (ex-Rivulus) hartii, Rio Aripo, Trinidad *female only
Aphyosemion raddai Mode Aphyosemion coeleste Mounana Aphyosemion ogoense GHP 80-24 Austrolebias nigripinnis South Brazil Apistogramma cacautoides Orange Flash
Aphyosemion Bochtleri GWW 86/11 Aphyosemion Exiguum BLLMC 05/10 Aphyosemion Elberti "Diang Yellow" Aphyosemion (Diapteron) Georgia GBBS 99-19 Elassoma Okefenokee
Lamprichtys Tanganicanus (eggs) Nothobranchius Guentheri Zanzibar TAN 97/2 Nothobranchius Hassoni Bukeya DRCH 2008/12 Fundulpanchax Gardneri Lafia