News about scheduled club meetings
BAKA June 2013 BBQ Meeting
Posted by ryangrisso on 2013/4/29 15:57:12 (1375 reads)
When: Saturday, June 15, 2011. Starts at 3 PM. Auction at 6:00pm. Anyone and everyone is welcome.
Where: Bill and Cathy's home 161 Bayview Drive San Rafael, CA
The house is actually right at the split in the road, not before it. Please look for the gate at the split.
Bill said "My gate will be marked with a balloon or sign. The gate will be closed, but use the intercom at the gate for entrance. We have a new parking system that works pretty well when many cars come. Please tell everybody who is offloading food, drinks, fish, etc. to drive to the end of my driveway and offload - we might then direct them to re-park lower during the meeting. If we can keep the turnaround at the top relatively clear, this works well."
Activities: This is an informal afternoon social and families are encouraged. We will barbecue and talk killifish. There is a pool if you want to take a dip. The bird-watching and views are also incredible.
There will be some basics for the BBQ such as chicken, sausages & soft drinks. If you can bring additional foods like salad, chips & drinks, it would be great. Please RSVP by email to info@sfbaka.net regarding the BBQ.
Program: Slide Show (West African Killifish)
Business: Meeting Schedule for 2013
Fish Expected:
Aphanius Anatoliae "Kovada Kanal"
Aphyosemion exiguum BLLMC 05/10 Aphyosemion elberti "Bafoussam" Aphyosemion bochtleri "GWW 86/11" Aphyosemion georgia "GBBS 99/19" Aphyosemion cyanostictum "Makoukou" Aphyosemion coeleste "Mounana" Aphyosemion ogoense GHP 80/24 Aphyosemion australe (chocolate lyretail) Aphyosemion bitaeniatum Ombe River Aphyosemion bitaeniatum Ijebu Ode
Archiaphyosemion guineense Kissidougou
Fp. gardneri Lafia Fp. scheeli
Fundulus rubrifrons Fargo
Simpsonichthys Santanae
Other Fish: Elassoma gilberti Wacissa Springs Elassoma aff. evergladei Elberta Elassoma okefenokee Apistogramma Baenschi Inka 50
Please send your possible fish and other auction items to info@sfbaka.net
BAKA February 2013 Meeting
Posted by sfbaka on 2013/2/4 23:02:32 (1460 reads)
Nothobranchius rachovii "Beira MOZ 04-3"
Location: Round Table Pizza 20920 Redwood Road, Castro Valley, CA, near I-580 and the Castro Valley BART station.
Date: Saturday, February 16, 2013
Time: 7 pm to 10:30 pm
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Business: 1) AKA Convention updates
Program: How to Judge a Killifish Show.
With the AKA convention coming up in May in Portland (no WCW this year - this is it), Bill Gallagher will try and explain how to judge killifish using the AKA judging guidelines and rules. You can become a certified judge! And at the same time, find out what the judges are looking for! Your homework is to go to: http://www.aka.org/UserFiles/File/Judging%20Program%20Final.pdf and read the AKA Killifish Judging Program before the meeting and print it out yourself if you want - We won't be bringing any extra paper copies to the meeting, but you may want to bring one. Also please print out and bring a copy of the AKA judging form at http://www.aka.org/UserFiles/File/judging_form.pdf - We will try and bring a couple of copies of the form.
Tentative fish list:
Aphyosemion spec. Nbateka, Congo, ABDK 10-408 (aff. wildekampi) Aphyosemion labarrei, Kingembe, Inkisi River, Congo, AVD 2011 Aphyosemion Bochtleri GWW 86/11 Aphyosemion Exiguum BLLMC 05/10 Aphyosemion Elberti "Diang Yellow"
Fp. fallax CI-98
Plataplochilus ngaensis
If you are planning to bring fish to the auction, please contact info@sfbaka.net
BAKA November 2012 Meeting
Posted by ryangrisso on 2012/11/7 14:16:18 (1984 reads)
Title : BAKA November 2012 Meeting (Category : General) Date : 2012 November 17 Saturday
We will have a BAKA meeting at the Round Table Pizza in Castro Valley from 6:00-9:00 PM on 17-Nov-12 (Saturday).
Ted Pino will be speaking about endangered species, CITES and its impact on killifish/general fish keeping.
Business: The club also needs to talk about the meeting schedule for next year, officers, and other club business.
Here's the fish we have so far for the auction (all subject to change):
Aphyosemion schioetzi, Ngombe, Z 91-1 Chromaphyosemion splendopleure*, Ombe Chromaphyosemion bitaeniatum, Ijebu Ode Fundulopanchax deltaensis* Laimosemion (ex-Rivulus) agilae, Montjoly Cynodonichthys (ex-Rivulus) uroflammeus, Qub Bravo, PAN 2012-9 Anablepsoides (ex-Rivulus) cryptocallus*, Martinique Anablepsoides (ex-Rivulus) hartii, Rio Aripo, Trinidad *female only
Aphyosemion raddai Mode Aphyosemion coeleste Mounana Aphyosemion ogoense GHP 80-24 Austrolebias nigripinnis South Brazil Apistogramma cacautoides Orange Flash
Aphyosemion Bochtleri GWW 86/11 Aphyosemion Exiguum BLLMC 05/10 Aphyosemion Elberti "Diang Yellow" Aphyosemion (Diapteron) Georgia GBBS 99-19 Elassoma Okefenokee
Lamprichtys Tanganicanus (eggs) Nothobranchius Guentheri Zanzibar TAN 97/2 Nothobranchius Hassoni Bukeya DRCH 2008/12 Fundulpanchax Gardneri Lafia
June 18, 2011 BAKA BBQ Meeting
Posted by ryangrisso on 2011/5/5 17:54:07 (1784 reads)
The view from the meeting location
When: Saturday, June 18, 2011. Starts at 3 PM. Auction to start at 6:00pm
Where: Bill and Cathy's home 161 Bayview Drive San Rafael, CA
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The house is actually right at the split in the road, not before it. Please look for the gate at the split.
Bill said "My gate will be marked with a balloon or sign. The gate will be left open. We have a new parking system that works pretty well when many cars come. Please tell everybody who is offloading food, drinks, fish, etc. to drive to the end of my driveway and offload - we might then direct them to re-park lower during the meeting. If we can keep the turnaround at the top relatively clear, this works well."
Activities: This is an informal afternoon social and families are encouraged. We will barbecue and talk killifish. There is a pool if you want to take a dip. The bird-watching and views are also incredible.
There will be some basics for the BBQ such as chicken, sausages & soft drinks. If you can bring additional foods & drinks, it would be great. Please RSVP by email to info@sfbaka.net regarding the BBQ. Business: 1) WCW 2011 Wrap Up Discussion 2) WCW 2012 Discussion 3) BAKA Meeting Schedule for 2011
Program: To be announced
Austrolebias alexandri Ceibas
Auction: Tentative Fish is below. If you are planning to bring fish to the auction, please contact Thuan or Ryan at info@sfbaka.net
Aphyosemion elberti "Diang Yellow" Aphyosemion exiguum BLLMC 05-10 Aphyosemion coeleste Mounana
Archiaphyosemion guineense Kissidougou GRC 90-182
Other Fish Expected:
Expected Attendees (so far): Bill and Cathy Gallagher (hosting) Ryan Grisso John Boylan Jim Fong Ron Leong Sue Bunte
Please let us know if you will be attending
Also, the Marin Art Festival is held the same day as the June BAKA meeting in San Rafael, only fifteen minutes away at the Lagoon at the Marin Civic Center. Highly recommended if you are traveling all the way to San Rafael, looking for something to do with the spouse and kids, prior to our meeting. It opens at 10AM, there is an admission charge, details and directions at http://marinartfestival.com Music, art, food, it's wonderful. (And if you go, may I suggest you take the curvy scenic route to 161 Bayview Drive starting with a LEFT turn on San Pedro Rd as you leave the Arts Festival and take the five-minute longer drive along the edge of San Pablo Bay through China Camp State Park, then turn RIGHT onto Bayview Drive.)
BAKA March 2011 Meeting
Posted by tnguyen on 2011/2/25 2:40:22 (1665 reads)
Nothobranchius rachovii "Beira MOZ 04-3"
Location: Round Table Pizza 20920 Redwood Road, Castro Valley, CA, near I-580 and the Castro Valley BART station.
Time: 7 pm to 10:30 pm
View Larger Map
Business: 1) West Coast Weekend Update
Program: To be announced
If you are planning to bring fish to the auction, please contact info@sfbaka.net
BAKA January 2011 Meeting
Posted by ryangrisso on 2010/12/2 10:50:44 (1979 reads)
Nothobranchius rachovii "Beira MOZ 04-3"
Date: January 15, 2011
Location: Round Table Pizza 20920 Redwood Road, Castro Valley, CA, near I-580 and the Castro Valley BART station.
Time: 7 pm to 10:30 pm
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Business: 1) West Coast Weekend Update
Program: To Be Announced
Auction: Adamas formosus
Aphyosemion elberti Bafoussam Aphyosemion elberti Diang Yellow Aphyosemion exiguum BLLMC 05/10 Aphyosemion tirbaki BSWG 97/8, between Latoursville and Moanda
Archiaphyosemion guineense GRC 90/182, Kissidougou
Fundulopanchax spoorenbergi Fundulopanchax nigerianus Misaje
Nimbapanchax leucopterygius GRC 90/174, Lola
Nothobranchius guentheri Zanzibar TAN 97/2 Nothobranchius palmqvisti Gezani Nothobranchius ravhovii Beira MT03-1
Rivulus ornatus Rio Tigre Rivulus xiphidius (males)
Scriptaphyosemion etzeli Bundulai SL 89
Simpsonichthys santanae
If you are planning to bring fish to the auction, please contact info@sfbaka.net
BAKA July 17, 2010 Barbeque
Posted by ryangrisso on 2010/7/11 16:45:20 (1996 reads)
Rivulus xiphidius
The next meeting will be at Sulphur Creek Nature Center in Hayward.
When: Saturday, July 17, 2010. The meeting will start at 12:00 noon (the park closes at 5:00)
Where: Sulphur Creek Park 1801 D Street Hayward, CA
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For driving directions, you can use google maps: http://maps.google.com/ Insert into google maps: 1801 D St, Hayward, CA 94541-4434 When the map appears, you can select street view for an image of where the park is located. The turn-off from D street is not very well marked, so go slowly and look carefully. Activities: Bring something for the barbecue along with your favorite side dishes and beverages. This park is a very nice picnic area with a visitor center and zoo. Admission is free. Here are some websites about the park: http://www.haywardrec.org/sulphurcreek.html There will be no formal program, so we will have "hands on" demonstrations on how to set up a tank for mop spawners and substrate spawners. Bring along a tank to share with others how to set up your own tank for killifish spawning.
BBQ sign up list: please contact info@sfbaka.net
Paper plates: Utensils: Napkins: Ice:
Soda: Meat for BBQ: Aidell's sausages (Thuan) Chicken (John B) Bread: Hot dog buns (Thuan) Veggies (lettuce & tomato, etc): Fruits: Condiments: Chips & salsa: (Ron) Salads (potato, pasta, etc): Desserts: Other foods:
Aphyosemion ogoense pyrophore "GHP blue"; photo by Vern Treat.
If you are planning to bring fish to the auction, please contact info@sfbaka.net
Aphanius anatoliae transgredians JBSA 03 Aci Gol
Aphyosemion amoenum "Sakebayeme" Aphyosemion australe "Schwartzflosse" Aphyosemion bitaeniatum "Ijebu Ode" Aphyosemion elberti "Bafoussam" Aphyosemion elberti "Diang Yellow" Aphyosemion hera ARK 1-2/96 Aphyosemion ogoense GHP 80/23
Fundulopanchax aff. mirabilis "Etuku"
Fundulus chrysotus
Kryptolebias marmoratus "Dangriega, Belize 2000"
Nothobranchius guentheri Zanzibar TAN 97/2 Nothobranchius foerschi Soga
Rivulus ornatus "Rio Tigre" Rivulus xiphidius
Simpsonichthys whitei
Leopard danios A pair of turquoise Badis badis Melanotaenia praecox rainbows
BAKA June 19, 2010 BBQ
Posted by tnguyen on 2010/6/8 2:09:30 (1977 reads)
The view from the meeting location
When: Saturday, June 19, 2010. Starts at 3 PM.
Where: Bill and Cathy's home 161 Bayview Drive San Rafael, CA
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The house is actually right at the split in the road, not before it. Please look for the gate at the split.
Bill said "My gate will be marked with a balloon or sign. The gate will be left open. We have a new parking system that works pretty well when many cars come. Please tell everybody who is offloading food, drinks, fish, etc. to drive to the end of my driveway and offload - we might then direct them to re-park lower during the meeting. If we can keep the turnaround at the top relatively clear, this works well."
Activities: This is an informal afternoon social and families are encouraged. We will barbecue and talk killifish. There is a pool if you want to take a dip. The bird-watching and views are also incredible.
There will be some basics for the BBQ such as chicken, sausages & soft drinks. If you can bring additional foods & drinks, it would be great. Please RSVP by email to info@sfbaka.net regarding the BBQ. Business: 1) WCW weekend in 2011 2) BAKA Meeting Schedule for 2010 and 2011 3) Possible joint speaker/meeting with San Francisco Aquarium Society
Program: The Mystery of Maeseni. Bill Gallagher will discuss the history, care and breeding of the killifish first known in the hobby as "Roloffia maeseni", along with recent taxonomic developments in the genus Archiaphyosemion. With exhibition of three species of live Nimbapanchax and Archiaphyosemion from Guineé and Ivory Coast, and slide show.
Austrolebias alexandri Ceibas
Auction: Tentative Fish is below. If you are planning to bring fish to the auction, please contact Thuan or Ryan at info@sfbaka.net
Aphanius anatoliae transgrediens JBSA 03 Aci Gol
Aphyosemion elberti "Bafoussam" Aphyosemion elberti "Diang Yellow" Aphyosemion exiguum BLLMC 05-10 Aphyosemion rectogoense PEG 05-17 Aphyosemion spec. Oyo, RPC 91-8 Aphyosemion tirbaki BSWG 97-8 (between Latoursville and Moanda)
Fundulopanchax spoorenbergi Fundulopanchax sp. MBIO Fundulopanchax mirabilis TAKWAE
Leptolebias itanhaensis Iguape
Nimbapanchax leucopterygius "Lola, GRC 90-174" (formerly: Archiaphyosemion maeseni Lola GRC 90-174) Nimbapanchax petersi "Banco Park"
Nothobranchius guentheri Zanzibar TAN 97/2
Rivulus agilae Montjoly Rivulus mahdiaensis GUY 06/04 Rivulus ornatus Rio Tigre Rivulus rectocaudatus Llanchama Rivulus rubrulineatus Rio Tigre (2 pairs) Rivulus xiphidius Floyd Souza's aquarium strain
Simpsonichthys punctulatus Formosa, Goias NP 03-07 (nice, colored like boitonei, but with nigripinnis-like emerald spots instead)
Simpsonichthys santanae Simpsonichthys whitei
Other Fish Expected: Pseudomugil gertrudae "Giddy River' Pseudomugil ivantsoffi "Deky Creek" Pseudomugil CF "gertrudae" ARU II Pseudomugil connieae (1 dozen eggs)
Brachyrhaphis roseni "Caldera, Panama" Brachyrhaphis roswithae "El Valle, Panama" Brachyrhaphis hessfeldi "Palenque, Panama" Brachyrhaphis episcopi "Los Mortales, Panama" Brachyrhaphis Species "Kunayala, Panama" Xenophallus umbratilis "Arenal, Panama"
Apistogramma affin: staecki Apistogramma sp. Morado Apistogramma sp. Algodon II
Melanotaenia praecox (eggs)
Expected Attendees: Bill and Cathy Gallagher (hosting) Ryan Grisso (Potato Salad) John Boylan (soda and zuccinni for the BBQ) Thuan Nguyen and Mark (Aidell's sausages and bread) Wright Huntley Sue Bunte (Pasta Salad) plus guest Ron Harlan (beer) Ron and Nicole Leong (cookies) Jeremy Bolanos Jay Rose Dale Sylvester Gerald Sylvester Joe De Silva (potato salad, sausages) Steve Oliver (wine) Henry Diep
Please let us know if you will be attending
BAKA May 16, 2009 Meeting
Posted by sfbaka on 2009/4/30 3:10:59 (1863 reads)
The view from the meeting location
When: Saturday, May 16, 2009. Starts at 3 PM.
Where: Bill and Cathy's home 161 Bayview Drive San Rafael, CA
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The house is actually right at the split in the road, not before it. Please look for the gate at the split.
Bill said "My gate will be marked with a balloon or sign. The gate will be left open. We have a new parking system that works pretty well when many cars come. Please tell everybody who is offloading food, drinks, fish, etc. to drive to the end of my driveway and offload - we might then direct them to re-park lower during the meeting. If we can keep the turnaround at the top relatively clear, this works well."
Activities: This is an informal afternoon social and families are encouraged. We will barbecue and talk killifish. There is a pool if you want to take a dip. The bird-watching and views are also incredible.
There will be some basics for the BBQ such as chicken, sausages & soft drinks. If you can bring additional foods & drinks, it would be great. Please RSVP by email to info@sfbaka.net regarding the BBQ. Business: 1) The AKA convention is the following weekend. We will collect fish to take to the convention 2) Distribute BAKA club polo shirts. 3) Can anybody coming to the meeting scan three slides and email the scans to Bill?
Austrolebias alexandri Ceibas
Auction: Fish list to be determined. If you are planning to bring fish to the auction, please contact Thuan at info@sfbaka.net
Aphyosemion australe orange Aphyosemion (Chromaphyosemion) bitaeniatum CI-06 Czech Republic Aphyosemion (Chromaphyosemion) bivittatum Funge Aphyosemion striatum BBW 00-26
Archiaphyosemion maeseni Lola GRC 90-174
Fundulopanchax avichang "GEML 00-16 Nguba 2" Fundulopanchax gardneri nigerianus Misaje Fundulopanchax spoorenbergi
Plataplochilus ngaensis
Rivulus weberi PAN 06-30
Red cherry shrimp
Plants: Bolbitis heudelottii , Java fern Java moss
Supplies: 5 gallon tanks (used) 10 gallon tanks (used) petri dishes assorted plastic containers