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Title : West Coast Weekend 2011 REGISTRATION (click here for details) (Category : General)
Date : 2011 April 29 Friday
Rivulus weberi painting by Ken McKeighen.
Welcome to our Events page for West Coast Weekend!
WCW XIX will take place from Friday April 29 to Sunday May 1, 2011 at
Clarion Hotel
San Francisco Airport
401 E. Millbrae Ave.
Millbrae, CA 94030
To get the special rate ($69 per night for April 28 - 30) you must reserve by March 29, 2011.
Please reserve a room through the front desk, 650-692-6363. Ask to be connected to the sales department who handles these reservations. Connie Villeta is the contact in the Sales department. Please mention the Bay Area Killifish Association and West Coast Weekend to be sure to get the special $69 room rate (includes breakfast buffet).
Please make sure to get the confirmation number, because they will not email you a confirmation.
There is also discounted parking for $10 per day and a free airport shuttle every 20 minutes, day or night.
For more information please visit the hotel's website
For a copy of the show flyer, please follow this link:
San Francisco offers lots of sightseeing and shopping fun for the whole family.
A world-class attraction is the California Academy of Sciences and the Steinhart Aquarium in Golden Gate Park. Info at
To visit the Aquarium, take the hotel shuttle to SFO, then take the BART train. You can either ride BART to Glen Park station then take the MUNI bus #44-O’Shaughnessy, or ride BART to any downtown station and transfer to the MUNI N-Judah outbound.
Show Schedule
Thursday April 28:
Fish room set up/ bench fish
All mail-in fish must arrive today.
Water will be tap water, with coconut fiber added to bottom of each tank. Salted water will be available for species that require hard water. You may bring your own water. No dividers are provided; aggressive species will get two separate tanks.
Friday April 29:
08:00-20:00 Bench Fish
20:00 All show fish must be entered
20:30 Judging
Saturday April 30:
08:00 - 09:30 FISH SALE.
09:45 Ron Harlan: “The Art of Water Management”
11:00 Brian Perkins: “Adventure Peru, 2011”
12:00 – 13:30 Lunch Break
13:30 Chris Martin: “The Science of Pupfish”
14:45 Jim Fong: “Nothobranchius: Kafuensis”
16:00 Wim Suijker: “Collecting in Guyana”
17:30 Dinner Break
Sunday May 1:
07:00 – 10:00 Fish Room Breakdown
10:00 – 11:30 Ron Harlan, Brian Perkins, Wim Suijker: “Roundtable Discussion on the Future of Fish Collecting”
12:00–18:00 AUCTION
Fish Show Classes: (This show is sanctioned by the AKA).
1 Rivulus -- sponsored by Brian Perkins
2 Annual Killifish New World -- sponsored by David Mikkelsen
3 Annual Killifish Old World -- sponsored by Jim Fong
4 Fundulopanchax -- sponsored by Bill Gallagher
5 Aphyosemion ( calliurum,cameronense, ogoense,striatum) -- sponsored by the Vancouver Area Killifish Association
6 All Other Aphyosemion
7 All Other Killifish -- sponsored by Thuan Nguyen
8 Photo/Art
People Registration: For people who are attending the show in person. If you're only mailing in fish entries for the show, then there is no registration fee.
Friday thru Sunday:
Single: $25
Family $30
In-person registration for Sunday only: $10
There is an "early bird" discount of $5 for paid registrations by April 18, 2011. In addition, your registration number determines the order that you enter the fish sale, so the early birds will go first. If you have questions, please feel free to email Thuan at
To download the people registration form, please follow these links:
Microsoft Word form
PDF form
If possible, please pre-register fish for the show/auction and for the fish sale. This will help us be more organized on April 29th when everyone shows up.
Auction/Fish Sale Split: 70/30 with 70% going to the seller
Mail in entries:
?All main-in entries will be auctioned
?Walk-in entry fee $1 if fish is not to be auctioned.
?All mail-in entries must be received by Thursday April 28, 2011
Please send mail in entries to:
Bill Gallagher
161 Bayview Drive
San Rafael, CA 94901
To download the SHOW / Auction fish registration form, please follow these links:
Microsoft Word form
PDF form
The fish sale will be conducted in traditional AKA style. Buyers will enter in shifts. Those with the lowest registration numbers will enter in the first shift, then the next highest numbers will enter in the second shift, etc.
To download the Fish Sale consignment registration form, please follow these links:
Microsoft Word form
PDF form
Expected Fish (as of 3/27/2011)
Adamas formosus
Adamas species AVD 2007-2
Aphanius anatoliae transgrediens JBSA 03 Aci Gol
Aphanius danfordii Kaysuri
Aphanius iberius
Aphanius mento
Aphanius sirhani
Aphyosemion (Diapteron) abicinum
Aphyosemion ahli Nkolbonda BLLMC 2005/29
Aphyosemion australe "EBG 97/26"
Aphyosemion campomaanense ABK2007/181
Aphyosemion calliurum Funge C2006
Aphyosemion congicum
Aphyosemion cognatum
Aphyosemion (Diapteron) cyanostictum PEG 98/11
Aphyosemion (Diapteron) cyanostictum Yekara BDBG 2004/11
Aphyosemion (Diapteron) cyanostictum GEMHS 00/16
Aphyosemion elberti Bafole
Aphyosemion elberti Bafoussam
Aphyosemion elberti Diang Yellow
Aphyosemion elberti CFE 2004/04
Aphyosemion elberti Mangoum
Aphyosemion elberti Dsjang JVP 2003.
Aphyosemion elberti Folap CSTS 2007/02
Aphyosemion elberti Zoeguenne Betara Oyo jvc08
Aphyosemion exiguum BLLMC 05/10
Aphyosemion exiguum Melombe
Aphyosemion (Diapteron) fulgens LEC 93-7
Aphyosemion georgiae GAB 90/18
Aphyosemion georgiae Labaye River BDBG 2004/10
Aphyosemion (Diapteron) georgiae GWW 86/2
Aphyosemion (Diapteron) georgiae GBBS 99/19
Aphyosemion ocellatum Sika Sika
Aphyosemion passaroi GEB 94/5
Aphyosemion plagitaenium "Epoma"
Aphyosemion rectogoense PEG 05-17
Aphyosemion tirbaki BSWG 97-8
Archiaphyosemion guineense GRC 90-182 'Kissidougou'
Archiaphyosmion aff. viridae GMB 09/4
Austrolebias paucisquama
Callopanchax monroviae ‘Paynesville’ L97
Campellolebias brucei
Chromaphyosemion bitaeniatum ‘Ijebu Ode’
Chromaphyosemion bivittatum ‘Funge’
Cubanichthys pengelleyi
Cynolebias nigripinnis
C. simus
C. alvarezi
C. species albino
C. bobmilleri
Epiplatys dageti Monroviae
Epiplatys huberi ‘Mandilou’ GEMCH 06/6
Epiplatys infrafasciatus ‘Bidou’
Epiplatys infrafasciatus ‘Miles Four’ JVC 05
Epiplatys lamottei
Epiplatys roloffi ‘Salayea’ SL-89
Epiplatys togolensis ‘Palime’
Fundulus cingulatus
Fundulus chrysotus
Fundulus lineolatus
Fundulopanchax fallax w/ location
Fundulopanchax fallax CI98
Fundulopanchax filamentosus
Fundulopanchax gardneri ‘Telemu’ NTC 07-3
Fundulopanchax mirabilis intermittens Etuku
Fundulopanchax ndianus
Fundulopanchax nigerianus Innidere
Fundulopanchax spoorenbergi
Fundulopanchax sjoestedti ‘Niger Delta’
Fundolopanchax puerzli
Fundulosoma thierryi
Leptolebias itanhaensis Iguape
Nimbapanchax leucopterygius GRC 90-174 Lola
Nimbapanchax petersi ‘Banco Park’
Nothobranchius annectens 'Ruvu River' TZN 09-5
Nothobranchius guentheri Zanzibar TAN 97-2
Nothobranchius hassoni 'Bukeya' DRCH 2008/10
Nothobranchius jubbi 'Witu' KEN 10-11
Nothobranchius kafuensis Nega Nega
Nothobranchius kilomberoensis 'Ifakara' TAN 95/4
Nothobranchius lusius 'Ruhoi River' TZN 09-10
Nothobranchius makondorum Nakapanya TAN 97-23
Nothobranchius malaissei Sange DRCH 2008-06
Nothobranchius palmqvisti Gezani
Nothobranchius pienaari 'Panda' MZCS 08/81
Nothobranchius polli ‘Kyembe’ DRCH 08-02
Nothobranchius sp. Caprivi Salambala NA07-1
Nothobranchius symoensi 'Kapalala' ZAM 10-9
Nothobranchius rachovii Beira MT03-1
Nothobranchius rachovii ‘Nhangau’ MT 03-4
Nothobranchius robustus
Nothobranchius rosenstocki Luapula River ZAM 07-03
Nothobranchius sp. Nyando River KE 01-3
Nothobranchius taeniopygus Itigi TAN 03-08
Nothobranchius ugandensis Aboke UGN 09-8
Nothobranchius ugandensis Kizibi UGN 09-18 red-blue
Nothobranchius virgatus Fugnido EHKS 2009-1
Pachypanchax sakaramyi
Pterolebias bokermanni KCA 83-08
Rachovia sp. (aff. brevis) ‘La Plata’ COL 09/09
Rivulus agilae Montjoly
Rivulus agilae N&R 2009
Rivulus brunneus PBS 02/36
Rivulus cladophorous ‘Crique Fourgassier’ 07/56 (eggs)
Rivulus elegans (Terra Typica) COL 09/08
Rivulus frenatus 40 Miles Creek SVV 06-16
Rivulus gransabanae THV 2010-10 San Rafael de Kamoirán
Rivulus mahdiaensis GUY 06/04
Rivulus hartii Pt. Radix
Rivulus hartii ‘La Laja’ 07
Rivulus hartii ‘Lower Guanapo’ 07
Rivulus intermittens
Rivulus kuelpmanni PBS 02/18
Rivulus lyricauda ‘Isla Anatoliy’ GR 06
Rivulus obscurus ‘Igarape Fondo Branco’ (eggs)
Rivulus ornatus Rio Tigre
Rivulus ornatus Rio Mazan
Rivulus punctatus Brazilie
Rivulus rubrolineatus Rio Tigre
Rivulus rubrolineatus ‘Lettica’ 2009
Rivulus spec. Rio Dos de Mayo, Peru
Rivulus spec. Quince Mil, Peru
Rivulus spec. 'Paryagi'
Rivulus spec. PAN 09-25 Flower Farm
Rivulus sp. aff. Montium PAN 06/26
Rivulus sp. 'Santander' COL 08/23
Rivulus weberi PAN 06/30
Rivulus xiphidius Floyd Souza Strain
Rivulus xiphidius FRGUY 07-07
Rivulus xiphidius FBS 95/2
Scriptaphyosemion etzeli Bundulai SL89
Scriptaphyosemion geryi Dandayak GLLR 06-27
Scriptaphyosemion liberiense Calibarica
Scriptaphyosemion bertholdi ‘Lenghe Curoh’ SL 93-37
Simpsonichthys auratus
Simpsonichthys reticulatus
Simpsonichthys santanae
Simpsonichthys stellatus ‘Sao Francisco’
Terranatos dolichopterus Isla Raton
Apistogramma viejita “Rio Meta”
Apistogramma sp. Vielfleck
Apistogramma baenschi (Inka 50)
Apistogramma sp. Harlequin (F1)
Congochromis dimidiatus ‘Zaire red’
Elassoma evergladei
Elassoma zonatum
Elassoma gilberti
Elassoma okefenokee
Girardinus falcatus
Oryzias woworae
Oryzias "neon"
Pseudomugil reticulatus
Pseudomugil signifer
Contact if you have any questions.
Fish Sale Procedures
The fish sale will take place on Saturday, April 30th, from 8 to 9:30 am.
The prices on each bag are set by the seller; there is no bidding. The split is 70/30 in favor of the seller.
Lists of items for sale will be available outside of the fish sale room for review on Saturday morning.
The buyers enter the fish sale room in shifts based on their registration number. The first shift includes number 1 through 10. The second shift includes 11 through 20, etc.
Each shift is allowed up to 10 minutes in the room (although some people finish much earlier). Each buyer can select 1 bag to buy during each shift. He/she takes the bag over to the fish valet and where it will stored until checkout time. The fish valet will provide the buyer with a blank carbon copy receipt. The valet will write down the entry number of the bag and the buyer's id number. The buyer signs the receipt, gives the carbon copy to the fish valet and keeps the original. Then the buyer exits the fish room.
When all registration numbers have been through the fish sale room, then we start all over again with number 1 through 10.
At the end of the fish sale, everyone will return to the sale room to pay for their purchases and get an invoice. We can accept either cash or personal check. You can take the paid invoice over to the fish valet to collect your fish purchases. You do have the option to pay early, but we are requesting that you wait if possible until the end of the fish sale.
Auction Procedures
The auction will take place on Sunday, May 1st, from 12 Noon to 4 pm.
The sale price is determined by bidding; there may be minimum bids for some rare items. The split is 70/30 in favor of the seller.
Lists of items for auction will be available outside of the auction room for review on Sunday morning.
All buyers will be given a white paper plate with their bidder number written on it.
As each item comes up for auction, it will first be documented by a runner. The runner writes down on a carbon copy receipt the class number and entry number of the item. Then he hands the item to the auctioneer.
The auctioneer will read aloud the class number, entry number, and species name. He will then start the bidding. When a winning buyer and winning price has been determined, the runner will write down the buyer's id and winning price on the carbon copy receipt.
Then the runner will take the fish over to the buyer for examination. If the buyer agrees that this is what he/she wanted to buy, he/she signs the receipt and keeps the original copy. The fish do not stay with the buyer. Instead the runner will then take the fish over to the fish valet where it's stored until the end of the auction (or until the buyer is ready to checkout). The carbon copy of the receipt can be handed over to the valet, who sends them over to the data entry / cashier team.
Each buyer can checkout whenever he/she is ready or wait until the end of the auction. To checkout, go to the data entry / cashier desk and the team will printout an invoice for you. We can accept either cash or personal check. You can take the paid invoice over to the fish valet to collect your fish purchases.
Raffles Procedures
Raffle tickets will be sold throughout the day at either the registration desk or by designated raffle ticket sellers who will be walking around the room. The tickets are 1 for $1 or 6 for $5. Write your name on the ticket so we know which ones are yours. You keep a copy of the stub and the other goes into the raffle.
There are 3 types of raffles.
First is the breeder's raffle for special pairs of fish. Each bag of fish will be placed into a plastic box. If you'd like to try to win that bag, then put raffle tickets into that box (and keep the stubs with you). At drawing time, the winning ticket will be pulled at random from the box. The winner need not be present to win the breeder's raffle.
Second is the small items raffle. For this raffle, the winner goes up to the raffle table and selects one item. The winner must be present to collect the item.
Third is the big-ticket item raffle. For these raffles, the winner wins the specific prize that is being raffled off, such as a Fluval power filter. The winner need not be present to win the big-ticket item.
The raffles will be conducted in-between speaker programs throughout Saturday and also on Sunday morning.
Contact :
More info : | Email :
Date : 2011 April 29 Friday
Rivulus weberi painting by Ken McKeighen.
Welcome to our Events page for West Coast Weekend!
WCW XIX will take place from Friday April 29 to Sunday May 1, 2011 at
Clarion Hotel
San Francisco Airport
401 E. Millbrae Ave.
Millbrae, CA 94030
To get the special rate ($69 per night for April 28 - 30) you must reserve by March 29, 2011.
Please reserve a room through the front desk, 650-692-6363. Ask to be connected to the sales department who handles these reservations. Connie Villeta is the contact in the Sales department. Please mention the Bay Area Killifish Association and West Coast Weekend to be sure to get the special $69 room rate (includes breakfast buffet).
Please make sure to get the confirmation number, because they will not email you a confirmation.
There is also discounted parking for $10 per day and a free airport shuttle every 20 minutes, day or night.
For more information please visit the hotel's website
For a copy of the show flyer, please follow this link:
San Francisco offers lots of sightseeing and shopping fun for the whole family.
A world-class attraction is the California Academy of Sciences and the Steinhart Aquarium in Golden Gate Park. Info at
To visit the Aquarium, take the hotel shuttle to SFO, then take the BART train. You can either ride BART to Glen Park station then take the MUNI bus #44-O’Shaughnessy, or ride BART to any downtown station and transfer to the MUNI N-Judah outbound.
Show Schedule
Thursday April 28:
Fish room set up/ bench fish
All mail-in fish must arrive today.
Water will be tap water, with coconut fiber added to bottom of each tank. Salted water will be available for species that require hard water. You may bring your own water. No dividers are provided; aggressive species will get two separate tanks.
Friday April 29:
08:00-20:00 Bench Fish
20:00 All show fish must be entered
20:30 Judging
Saturday April 30:
08:00 - 09:30 FISH SALE.
09:45 Ron Harlan: “The Art of Water Management”
11:00 Brian Perkins: “Adventure Peru, 2011”
12:00 – 13:30 Lunch Break
13:30 Chris Martin: “The Science of Pupfish”
14:45 Jim Fong: “Nothobranchius: Kafuensis”
16:00 Wim Suijker: “Collecting in Guyana”
17:30 Dinner Break
Sunday May 1:
07:00 – 10:00 Fish Room Breakdown
10:00 – 11:30 Ron Harlan, Brian Perkins, Wim Suijker: “Roundtable Discussion on the Future of Fish Collecting”
12:00–18:00 AUCTION
Fish Show Classes: (This show is sanctioned by the AKA).
1 Rivulus -- sponsored by Brian Perkins
2 Annual Killifish New World -- sponsored by David Mikkelsen
3 Annual Killifish Old World -- sponsored by Jim Fong
4 Fundulopanchax -- sponsored by Bill Gallagher
5 Aphyosemion ( calliurum,cameronense, ogoense,striatum) -- sponsored by the Vancouver Area Killifish Association
6 All Other Aphyosemion
7 All Other Killifish -- sponsored by Thuan Nguyen
8 Photo/Art
People Registration: For people who are attending the show in person. If you're only mailing in fish entries for the show, then there is no registration fee.
Friday thru Sunday:
Single: $25
Family $30
In-person registration for Sunday only: $10
There is an "early bird" discount of $5 for paid registrations by April 18, 2011. In addition, your registration number determines the order that you enter the fish sale, so the early birds will go first. If you have questions, please feel free to email Thuan at
To download the people registration form, please follow these links:
Microsoft Word form
PDF form
If possible, please pre-register fish for the show/auction and for the fish sale. This will help us be more organized on April 29th when everyone shows up.
Auction/Fish Sale Split: 70/30 with 70% going to the seller
Mail in entries:
?All main-in entries will be auctioned
?Walk-in entry fee $1 if fish is not to be auctioned.
?All mail-in entries must be received by Thursday April 28, 2011
Please send mail in entries to:
Bill Gallagher
161 Bayview Drive
San Rafael, CA 94901
To download the SHOW / Auction fish registration form, please follow these links:
Microsoft Word form
PDF form
The fish sale will be conducted in traditional AKA style. Buyers will enter in shifts. Those with the lowest registration numbers will enter in the first shift, then the next highest numbers will enter in the second shift, etc.
To download the Fish Sale consignment registration form, please follow these links:
Microsoft Word form
PDF form
Expected Fish (as of 3/27/2011)
Adamas formosus
Adamas species AVD 2007-2
Aphanius anatoliae transgrediens JBSA 03 Aci Gol
Aphanius danfordii Kaysuri
Aphanius iberius
Aphanius mento
Aphanius sirhani
Aphyosemion (Diapteron) abicinum
Aphyosemion ahli Nkolbonda BLLMC 2005/29
Aphyosemion australe "EBG 97/26"
Aphyosemion campomaanense ABK2007/181
Aphyosemion calliurum Funge C2006
Aphyosemion congicum
Aphyosemion cognatum
Aphyosemion (Diapteron) cyanostictum PEG 98/11
Aphyosemion (Diapteron) cyanostictum Yekara BDBG 2004/11
Aphyosemion (Diapteron) cyanostictum GEMHS 00/16
Aphyosemion elberti Bafole
Aphyosemion elberti Bafoussam
Aphyosemion elberti Diang Yellow
Aphyosemion elberti CFE 2004/04
Aphyosemion elberti Mangoum
Aphyosemion elberti Dsjang JVP 2003.
Aphyosemion elberti Folap CSTS 2007/02
Aphyosemion elberti Zoeguenne Betara Oyo jvc08
Aphyosemion exiguum BLLMC 05/10
Aphyosemion exiguum Melombe
Aphyosemion (Diapteron) fulgens LEC 93-7
Aphyosemion georgiae GAB 90/18
Aphyosemion georgiae Labaye River BDBG 2004/10
Aphyosemion (Diapteron) georgiae GWW 86/2
Aphyosemion (Diapteron) georgiae GBBS 99/19
Aphyosemion ocellatum Sika Sika
Aphyosemion passaroi GEB 94/5
Aphyosemion plagitaenium "Epoma"
Aphyosemion rectogoense PEG 05-17
Aphyosemion tirbaki BSWG 97-8
Archiaphyosemion guineense GRC 90-182 'Kissidougou'
Archiaphyosmion aff. viridae GMB 09/4
Austrolebias paucisquama
Callopanchax monroviae ‘Paynesville’ L97
Campellolebias brucei
Chromaphyosemion bitaeniatum ‘Ijebu Ode’
Chromaphyosemion bivittatum ‘Funge’
Cubanichthys pengelleyi
Cynolebias nigripinnis
C. simus
C. alvarezi
C. species albino
C. bobmilleri
Epiplatys dageti Monroviae
Epiplatys huberi ‘Mandilou’ GEMCH 06/6
Epiplatys infrafasciatus ‘Bidou’
Epiplatys infrafasciatus ‘Miles Four’ JVC 05
Epiplatys lamottei
Epiplatys roloffi ‘Salayea’ SL-89
Epiplatys togolensis ‘Palime’
Fundulus cingulatus
Fundulus chrysotus
Fundulus lineolatus
Fundulopanchax fallax w/ location
Fundulopanchax fallax CI98
Fundulopanchax filamentosus
Fundulopanchax gardneri ‘Telemu’ NTC 07-3
Fundulopanchax mirabilis intermittens Etuku
Fundulopanchax ndianus
Fundulopanchax nigerianus Innidere
Fundulopanchax spoorenbergi
Fundulopanchax sjoestedti ‘Niger Delta’
Fundolopanchax puerzli
Fundulosoma thierryi
Leptolebias itanhaensis Iguape
Nimbapanchax leucopterygius GRC 90-174 Lola
Nimbapanchax petersi ‘Banco Park’
Nothobranchius annectens 'Ruvu River' TZN 09-5
Nothobranchius guentheri Zanzibar TAN 97-2
Nothobranchius hassoni 'Bukeya' DRCH 2008/10
Nothobranchius jubbi 'Witu' KEN 10-11
Nothobranchius kafuensis Nega Nega
Nothobranchius kilomberoensis 'Ifakara' TAN 95/4
Nothobranchius lusius 'Ruhoi River' TZN 09-10
Nothobranchius makondorum Nakapanya TAN 97-23
Nothobranchius malaissei Sange DRCH 2008-06
Nothobranchius palmqvisti Gezani
Nothobranchius pienaari 'Panda' MZCS 08/81
Nothobranchius polli ‘Kyembe’ DRCH 08-02
Nothobranchius sp. Caprivi Salambala NA07-1
Nothobranchius symoensi 'Kapalala' ZAM 10-9
Nothobranchius rachovii Beira MT03-1
Nothobranchius rachovii ‘Nhangau’ MT 03-4
Nothobranchius robustus
Nothobranchius rosenstocki Luapula River ZAM 07-03
Nothobranchius sp. Nyando River KE 01-3
Nothobranchius taeniopygus Itigi TAN 03-08
Nothobranchius ugandensis Aboke UGN 09-8
Nothobranchius ugandensis Kizibi UGN 09-18 red-blue
Nothobranchius virgatus Fugnido EHKS 2009-1
Pachypanchax sakaramyi
Pterolebias bokermanni KCA 83-08
Rachovia sp. (aff. brevis) ‘La Plata’ COL 09/09
Rivulus agilae Montjoly
Rivulus agilae N&R 2009
Rivulus brunneus PBS 02/36
Rivulus cladophorous ‘Crique Fourgassier’ 07/56 (eggs)
Rivulus elegans (Terra Typica) COL 09/08
Rivulus frenatus 40 Miles Creek SVV 06-16
Rivulus gransabanae THV 2010-10 San Rafael de Kamoirán
Rivulus mahdiaensis GUY 06/04
Rivulus hartii Pt. Radix
Rivulus hartii ‘La Laja’ 07
Rivulus hartii ‘Lower Guanapo’ 07
Rivulus intermittens
Rivulus kuelpmanni PBS 02/18
Rivulus lyricauda ‘Isla Anatoliy’ GR 06
Rivulus obscurus ‘Igarape Fondo Branco’ (eggs)
Rivulus ornatus Rio Tigre
Rivulus ornatus Rio Mazan
Rivulus punctatus Brazilie
Rivulus rubrolineatus Rio Tigre
Rivulus rubrolineatus ‘Lettica’ 2009
Rivulus spec. Rio Dos de Mayo, Peru
Rivulus spec. Quince Mil, Peru
Rivulus spec. 'Paryagi'
Rivulus spec. PAN 09-25 Flower Farm
Rivulus sp. aff. Montium PAN 06/26
Rivulus sp. 'Santander' COL 08/23
Rivulus weberi PAN 06/30
Rivulus xiphidius Floyd Souza Strain
Rivulus xiphidius FRGUY 07-07
Rivulus xiphidius FBS 95/2
Scriptaphyosemion etzeli Bundulai SL89
Scriptaphyosemion geryi Dandayak GLLR 06-27
Scriptaphyosemion liberiense Calibarica
Scriptaphyosemion bertholdi ‘Lenghe Curoh’ SL 93-37
Simpsonichthys auratus
Simpsonichthys reticulatus
Simpsonichthys santanae
Simpsonichthys stellatus ‘Sao Francisco’
Terranatos dolichopterus Isla Raton
Apistogramma viejita “Rio Meta”
Apistogramma sp. Vielfleck
Apistogramma baenschi (Inka 50)
Apistogramma sp. Harlequin (F1)
Congochromis dimidiatus ‘Zaire red’
Elassoma evergladei
Elassoma zonatum
Elassoma gilberti
Elassoma okefenokee
Girardinus falcatus
Oryzias woworae
Oryzias "neon"
Pseudomugil reticulatus
Pseudomugil signifer
Contact if you have any questions.
Fish Sale Procedures
The fish sale will take place on Saturday, April 30th, from 8 to 9:30 am.
The prices on each bag are set by the seller; there is no bidding. The split is 70/30 in favor of the seller.
Lists of items for sale will be available outside of the fish sale room for review on Saturday morning.
The buyers enter the fish sale room in shifts based on their registration number. The first shift includes number 1 through 10. The second shift includes 11 through 20, etc.
Each shift is allowed up to 10 minutes in the room (although some people finish much earlier). Each buyer can select 1 bag to buy during each shift. He/she takes the bag over to the fish valet and where it will stored until checkout time. The fish valet will provide the buyer with a blank carbon copy receipt. The valet will write down the entry number of the bag and the buyer's id number. The buyer signs the receipt, gives the carbon copy to the fish valet and keeps the original. Then the buyer exits the fish room.
When all registration numbers have been through the fish sale room, then we start all over again with number 1 through 10.
At the end of the fish sale, everyone will return to the sale room to pay for their purchases and get an invoice. We can accept either cash or personal check. You can take the paid invoice over to the fish valet to collect your fish purchases. You do have the option to pay early, but we are requesting that you wait if possible until the end of the fish sale.
Auction Procedures
The auction will take place on Sunday, May 1st, from 12 Noon to 4 pm.
The sale price is determined by bidding; there may be minimum bids for some rare items. The split is 70/30 in favor of the seller.
Lists of items for auction will be available outside of the auction room for review on Sunday morning.
All buyers will be given a white paper plate with their bidder number written on it.
As each item comes up for auction, it will first be documented by a runner. The runner writes down on a carbon copy receipt the class number and entry number of the item. Then he hands the item to the auctioneer.
The auctioneer will read aloud the class number, entry number, and species name. He will then start the bidding. When a winning buyer and winning price has been determined, the runner will write down the buyer's id and winning price on the carbon copy receipt.
Then the runner will take the fish over to the buyer for examination. If the buyer agrees that this is what he/she wanted to buy, he/she signs the receipt and keeps the original copy. The fish do not stay with the buyer. Instead the runner will then take the fish over to the fish valet where it's stored until the end of the auction (or until the buyer is ready to checkout). The carbon copy of the receipt can be handed over to the valet, who sends them over to the data entry / cashier team.
Each buyer can checkout whenever he/she is ready or wait until the end of the auction. To checkout, go to the data entry / cashier desk and the team will printout an invoice for you. We can accept either cash or personal check. You can take the paid invoice over to the fish valet to collect your fish purchases.
Raffles Procedures
Raffle tickets will be sold throughout the day at either the registration desk or by designated raffle ticket sellers who will be walking around the room. The tickets are 1 for $1 or 6 for $5. Write your name on the ticket so we know which ones are yours. You keep a copy of the stub and the other goes into the raffle.
There are 3 types of raffles.
First is the breeder's raffle for special pairs of fish. Each bag of fish will be placed into a plastic box. If you'd like to try to win that bag, then put raffle tickets into that box (and keep the stubs with you). At drawing time, the winning ticket will be pulled at random from the box. The winner need not be present to win the breeder's raffle.
Second is the small items raffle. For this raffle, the winner goes up to the raffle table and selects one item. The winner must be present to collect the item.
Third is the big-ticket item raffle. For these raffles, the winner wins the specific prize that is being raffled off, such as a Fluval power filter. The winner need not be present to win the big-ticket item.
The raffles will be conducted in-between speaker programs throughout Saturday and also on Sunday morning.
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Agenda-X v2.2.1 RC1 by wjue(Wang Jue) &