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  Meetings Total Articles : 34  
Posted by ryangrisso on 2013/4/29 15:57:12 (1386 reads)

When: Saturday, June 15, 2011. Starts at 3 PM. Auction at 6:00pm. Anyone and everyone is welcome.

Bill and Cathy's home
161 Bayview Drive
San Rafael, CA

The house is actually right at the split in the road, not before it. Please look for the gate at the split.

Bill said "My gate will be marked with a balloon or sign. The gate will be closed, but use the intercom at the gate for entrance. We have a new parking system that works pretty well when many cars come. Please tell everybody who is offloading food, drinks, fish, etc. to drive to the end of my driveway and offload - we might then direct them to re-park lower during the meeting. If we can keep the turnaround at the top relatively clear, this works well."

This is an informal afternoon social and families are encouraged. We will barbecue and talk killifish. There is a pool if you want to take a dip. The bird-watching and views are also incredible.

There will be some basics for the BBQ such as chicken, sausages & soft drinks. If you can bring additional foods like salad, chips & drinks, it would be great. Please RSVP by email to regarding the BBQ.

Program: Slide Show (West African Killifish)

Business: Meeting Schedule for 2013

Fish Expected:

Aphanius Anatoliae "Kovada Kanal"

Aphyosemion exiguum BLLMC 05/10
Aphyosemion elberti "Bafoussam"
Aphyosemion bochtleri "GWW 86/11"
Aphyosemion georgia "GBBS 99/19"
Aphyosemion cyanostictum "Makoukou"
Aphyosemion coeleste "Mounana"
Aphyosemion ogoense GHP 80/24
Aphyosemion australe (chocolate lyretail)
Aphyosemion bitaeniatum Ombe River
Aphyosemion bitaeniatum Ijebu Ode

Archiaphyosemion guineense Kissidougou

Fp. gardneri Lafia
Fp. scheeli

Fundulus rubrifrons Fargo

Simpsonichthys Santanae

Other Fish:
Elassoma gilberti Wacissa Springs
Elassoma aff. evergladei Elberta
Elassoma okefenokee
Apistogramma Baenschi Inka 50

Please send your possible fish and other auction items to

    Article ID : 56

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  General news Total Articles : 1  
Posted by sfbaka on 2008/9/10 2:33:15 (2391 reads)

This is our new BAKA logo. We plan to have polo/golf shirts with this logo embroidered on the left pocket of the shirt.

I had to shrink the image a bit to fit on our website so there is some aliasing of the image. The real logo is very sharp.

This is our old BAKA logo, which was created before 1983.

    Article ID : 40

  Conservation Field Trips Total Articles : 4  
Posted by sfbaka on 2008/4/14 13:51:08 (3111 reads)

The next desert fish conservation trip will be on May 16-17, 2008.

The location is just south of Bishop to work on a spring system there that has a small population of pupfish.

There will be several tasks including cutting cattails (lots of cattails), trapping and dip netting mosquitofish and crayfish.

We will be working on land owned by LA power and water and at least one of their staff will be working with us. We will need to be sensitive to their wishes while working there as we need to ensure good relations, otherwise future work there may not be possible.

There will be more details to come.

Please visit
or post to

to request information

    Article ID : 36

More releases in Conservation Field Trips
  Past Events Total Articles : 2  
Posted by sfbaka on 2008/4/14 14:08:56 (2696 reads)

This year's T-shirt will feature this incredible photo of a wild male Hypsopanchax modestus by Brian Watters. This lampeye species lives in cool, fast flowing mountain streams that run off of the Ruwenzori mountains in Uganda.

West Coast Weekend is planned for April 18, 19 and 20, 2008, at the Clarion Inn at Portland Airport.
Address: 11518 NE Glenn Widing Dr, Portland, Oregon 97220

This is the same location that we have used for the past 4 years. Please watch the Northwest Killies site for more news.

photo of Clarion Inn at Portland airport.

Northwest Killies (NWK), in collaboration with other west coast clubs, will be hosting WCW XVII in Portland, Oregon on April 18-20, 2008. The show will be held at the Clarion Hotel, 11518 NE Glen Widing Drive, Portland. The hotel is close to Portland's airport and is the same venue that we have used for the last few years, but has been refurbished and renamed. Room rate is $82 for a double. The number for reservations is 800-205-7892. The direct phone number of the hotel is 503-252-2222. When making reservations, please mention that you will be attending West Coast Weekend.

There will be eight classes in the show, namely: 1. South American Annuals; 2. Nothobranchius; 3. Fundulopanchax; 4. Callopanchax, Archiaphyosemion and Scriptaphyosemion; 5. Aphyosemion; 6. AOV Old World; 7. AOV New World; 8. Photography & Art. Awards will be given for first through third in each class and for Best in Show.

Speakers will be: Ruud Wildekamp (Holland), who will give two talks, one on lampeyes and one on collecting in Chad, and Bruce Turner, who will also give two talks, one on pupfish and one on his studies of Kryptoleb. marmoratus. In addition, there will be a round table discussion on the Sunday morning in which local experts will discuss their approach to keeping and breeding different groups of killies. There will be four talks on Saturday and the round table talk on Sunday.

There will be an auction on Sunday. It is not compulsory for show fish to be auctioned, although that is encouraged. The auction split is 2/3:1/3 in favor of the seller but you may elect to donate your cut towards the costs of WCW if you wish. We would appreciate the support. There will also be a silent auction, held on Saturday. Entry fee is $2 per item, the balance of the selling fee to the seller. Silent auction items not reclaimed by the seller will be placed in the Sunday auction. We expect some excellent fish to be brought to the show by our European guest and these will be placed in the Sunday auction.

This year we are striving to have the most successful WCW possible as we intend to subsidize the 2009 convention with WCW profits. Therefore, we want to appeal to affiliate clubs across the US to send entries to the show and auction. A successful WCW this year will mean a more economical convention next year. If you wish to discuss sending fish to WCW XVII, please contact Barry Cooper at Mail-ins should be sent to Brian Perkins, 1777 6th Ave. West Linn, Oregon, 97068 (Phone 503-421-4271). Mail-ins should arrive by Thursday, April 17, 2008.

Registration can be done via our web site at Registration is $30 for a single and $35 for a family but note that there is a $5 "early bird" discount for those who register by April 12. We would like to encourage early registration of both attendees and fish that they might be bringing, as this greatly reduces the time required to process registrations at the site. Accordingly, we are also offering a $5 "discount voucher" to those who preregister six or more pairs of fish, combined, for the show and silent auction. This voucher may be redeemed at the auction on Sunday. There are forms on our web pages to preregister fish for the show and silent auction.

NWK strives to make WCW a relaxing and enjoyable "killie social". To that end we will organize a pay-as-you-go dinner on Friday evening at one of our famous local brewpubs, where NWK will pick up the tab for drinks. There will be a similar dinner, at a different local venue, organized for Saturday evening. These dinners will provide a chance to chat with our speakers. We will also organize visits to local fish stores during the weekend. The club expects to provide limo transport for these excursions so you should feel free to enjoy a couple of those famous local microbrews. This is no ordinary limo. Previously we have had a "stretch Hummer" and we're aiming for something similar this year.

For more information about the show please call or email Barry Cooper (541-367-2568; or Brian Perkins (503-421-4271;

    Article ID : 37

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